My expertise on swords. There surface temps read 80 degrees.
They fish no less than a 1,000 feet and drag bottom. Our surface
temps read 70 degrees and I can only speak for myself. I fish for
swords between 150 to 300 feet. I wrestled with a few. Never got
to land any. I did get to experience a couple over the rail.
Have you ever tipped someone off where you’re marking them?
He drops with a tuna rig. Lands a that’s big enough sword and
then doesn’t offer you a simple, small cut? Dacron
I put my rod with the LP light over there. He puts his rod next to mine.
The tuna bite is off. I grab the sword rod and switch spots with the tuna
rod on a 120 foot boat from stern to bow. Who caught the sword?
The fella next to me with the tuna rig. We know what we’re doing. LOL